Turf vs Artificial Grass

By admin | uncategorized

Jul 28

As turf farmers, we’ve supplied and fitted turf for generations. Over the past 20 years, we’ve witnessed a slow and steady increase in demand for artificial grass and adapted our range of services. This post will contrast the benefits of turf vs synthetic grass.

Today there are an ever growing range of synethetic grass manufacturers introducing new grades onto the British market for varied budgets and needs. If you’re looking for turf or artificial grass in Oxford this post will outline the options available to you by reviewing: 



Environmental Factors

Feel free to contact us at the conclusion of this article with any questions you have. We’re happy to visit with an in person quote and samples if needed. 


Perhaps the primary selling point of artificial grass is its low maintenance. While fake grass will benefit from brushing and specialized cleaning solutions, it doesn’t require the tlc a natural lawn needs. Patching, knowledge of turf diseases, mowing and watering are lawn care issues you’ll need to acquaint yourself with. This is particularly true for clients with pets and children.  


Homeowners who employ a gardener to maintain their lawn, may find a synthetic lawn is the long term, economical option. However, short-term is a natural lawn is certainly cheaper. Depending on the grade and preparation needed, turf can be up to 10 x less than artificial options. 


Experts argue opting for natural grass benefits the environment. Much like trees, turf absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen into the atmosphere. Many consumers believe a traditional garden enhances well being and promotes flora, fauna and wildlife.

If you’re unsure about which option is best for you, our team of experienced landscapers can help. We work through Oxfordshire and offer a variety of turf seed mixes and artificial brands. Contact us for your quote today. 

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