What Is Drought Tolerant Turf?

By admin | Turf

Jul 18

For those maintaining a lawn in a warmer climate, picking the right turf can be a headache. You might go for a rich turf with thick blades but find them dried out after a few weeks. That’s why is important to choose a drought resistant turf to use on your lawn. Knowing what drought tolerant turf is best can save you the stress and hassle of dealing with dried out grass.

Tall Fescue

Tall fescue is very durable grass, able to survive in moist and extremely dry environments. It thrives in clay soils with a large amount of organic matter. It’s ideal for areas that experience hot, humid summers and very cold winters. Just to remember to water your tall fescue properly. In the hot summer sun, blades can become thin without the right amount of water.

Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass is at the very top of the drought resistant grass. For homes that are located in dry, humid areas, this turf is the first one to consider. It can also endure extensive periods of zero precipitation while surviving in tropical climates that receive heavy rainfall. Under what drought tolerant turf to get, you’ll find a picture of Bermuda grass.

Zoysia Grass

Another type of grass suitable for hot locales is Zoysia grass. It’s known for its medium dark-green color that will persist in most hot conditions though it may turn straw-colored in extreme drought. Its deep root system extracts water from lower depths of the soil, making it more resilient than most turf.

When choosing the right turf to buy, consider the climate in your region. Is it hot all year around? Are there periods of cold winters and hot summers? Does your lawn need to survive heavy rainfall? These questions will help you decide the right drought tolerant grass to purchase.

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